A journey of David Spencer's faith in Jesus Christ, exploration of Christian faith and Canadian Christians working in media.
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Today is Sunday September 15, 2024 in Canada. This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
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ChristianRadioCanadaNews connects Christian radio staff.
"ChristianRadioCanadaNews" CRCN is a forum for asking advice, sharing answers and announcing developments in Canadian Christian radio. Through this e-newsletter, our members share resources for radio station managers and programmers and announce future gatherings of Canadian Christian radio personnel.
"ChristianRadioCanadaNews" is run on Google Groups and is currently owned and managed by David Spencer. Beth Warden was the moderator from 2009 to November 30, 2015 when the forum ran on Yahoo! Groups.
"ChristianRadioCanadaNews" provides the following:
- resources for radio station engineers,managers,programmers,salespersons and on-air hosts.
- technical information and answers to questions about setting up AM, Low Power FM, High Power FM radio stations, Internet radio and satellite broadcasting.
- announcements about gatherings of Canadian radio personnel who are Christian.
- announcements of applications and approvals for Canadian Christian radio station broadcasting licences granted by the CRTC:Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
- news relating to broadcasting from Industry Canada.
- words and Bible scripture of encouragement.
To subscribe to ChristianRadioCanadaNews, please send an e-mail to David Spencer at:
or request membership consideration online here.
To contact the Moderator of ChristianRadioCanadaNews, log in with your Gmail address and visit here. .
Participants in the ChristianRadioCanadaNews Forum
The following radio, media and advertising people currently participate in the ChristianRadioCanadaNews Forum. This list was last updated on July 16, 2018. Please encourage and pray for these dedicated media workers.
- Lorne Anderson
- Jonathan Andrews
- Al Baker
- Patrick Bestall
- Bruce Birtwistle
- Don Brooks
- Scott Card
- Doug Chaplin
- ChristianWeek Editor
- David Currie
- Roger deBrabant
- Dan Diaczun
- Barbara Dowling
- Bob Dubroy
- Paul Firminger
- Daniel Garvin
- Bonnie Gauthier
- Ray Gauthier
- Ellen Graf-Martin
- Rob Green
- Sherry Griffin
- James Houssen
- James Hunt
- Scott Jackson with Trust Communications Ministries in Barrie, Ontario.
- Steve Jones
- Fazal Karim
- Danielle Klammer with Eaglecom Marketing in Delta, British Columbia.
- James Kurtis
- Jeff Lutes
- David Leibold
- Dave MacDonald
- AJ Martin
- Andy Mcnabb
- Kristen McNulty
- Sandra Moyes
- Ged Stonehouse
- Don Millar
- Bob Olynyk
- Brian Reimer
- Lynn Reimer
- Catherine Robertson
- Johnny Rocket
- Hollie Sackett-Reid
- Prescott Sandhu
- Brian Seeley
- Shannon Skene
- Terry Somerville
- David Spencer
- Ged Stonehouse
- Mikayla Stroeder with Graf-Martin Communications Inc, in Kitchener, Ontario.
- Paola Theaker with Graf-Martin Communications Inc, in Kitchener, Ontario.
- Tim Toronchuk with World Outreach Communications in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Brock Tozer
- Brian Tucker
- Tim Underwood
- Marian Vander Meulen with Eaglecom Marketing in Delta, British Columbia.
- Ian Walker
- Tina Weidelich
- Tim Whitehead
- Paul Weigel